2021 Webinar Series Available for replay
As states, cities and counties across the country began to tap their share of the unprecedented federal dollars intended to incentivize national recovery, the Shared Prosperity Partnership conducted a speaker series: Spending for Equity: How the American Rescue Plan Act and other federal funds can support inclusive economies. These discussions provided expert analysis and commentary on ARPA and other federal dollars and show how community organizations and local governments are breaking with the status quo to spend these funds in more equitable and inclusive ways. Watch Event RecordingsThe strength of American cities – and the nation as a whole – depends on generating inclusive growth for people of all races, ethnicities, and incomes.
Yet even in our most economically vibrant cities, not all residents are benefiting from or contributing to that growth, resulting in stark racial and economic disparities that are even more extreme in distressed communities.
In response, local leaders across the country are innovating new strategies to promote inclusive growth. Many are producing positive but isolated outcomes. To deliver on the ultimate goal of shared prosperity, we hypothesize that cities could benefit from additional resources and support, including the opportunities to learn from one another, secure unlikely allies, and advance scaled solutions within states, across states, and at higher levels of government.
In that spirit, the Shared Prosperity Partnership – a collaboration of the Kresge Foundation, the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program, the Urban Institute, and Living Cities – seeks to support and accelerate local efforts by adding resources and connecting local leadership with national practitioners and researchers. By promoting inventive and actionable ideas, the Partnership aims to strengthen existing efforts and inform urban policy and practice, ultimately increasing economic mobility and decreasing disparities across races, ethnicities, and genders.
At a time of national challenge, the Shared Prosperity Partnership leverages the innovative work of local leaders across the United States to offer a hopeful vision for American civil society, economic competitiveness, and individual well-being.

Harnessing technology as a force for inclusion and shared prosperity in cities
Business, civic and community leaders gathered in San Francisco on July 17 for the third “Building Opportunity for All” public forum to explore how rapid technological change is hardening inequity in America’s cities, and how technology can be harnessed to accelerate inclusion. The discussions were co-hosted by the The Atlantic and the Shared Prosperity Partnership . Watch a recording of the day’s discussions or read a recap about the promise of technology as a force for accelerating solutions.

How can cities address racial inequities head on?
On April 23, in Memphis, The Atlantic and the Shared Prosperity Partnership discussed the legacy of structural racism and its effects on American cities. Policymakers and community leaders also talked about how public policy and innovative solutions can help build more inclusive growth in Memphis and other cities.

Building Shared Prosperity in America’s Cities
In this paper, we review the three common principles that underlie strategies to ensure shared prosperity in cities and introduce the Share Prosperity Partnership, a joint initiative of the Kresge Foundation, the Brookings Institution, the Urban Institute, and Living Cities, that seeks to accelerate the locally-driven solutions to economic inequality that are emerging in urban communities across America. While the specific approach of each city is unique, all build on the fact that our nation only succeeds when our cities succeed; and our cities only succeed when all of their communities succeed.

National leaders share insight and best practices for delivering inclusive growth at “Building Opportunity for All” convening in Philadelphia
On October 15 in Philadelphia, elected officials, policymakers, experts, business and community leaders from across the country convened to deliver insights, best practices and shared experiences into creating inclusive economic growth. Held at The Kimmel Center, ‘Building Opportunity for All,’ was the first of several public summits hosted by The Atlantic and the Shared Prosperity Partnership, to raise awareness around how to grow U.S cities equitably. You can watch the full event video archive at: